Friday, July 9, 2010

perkongsian pintar.smksa-smkdam

it was the best memory for smksa n ahmad maher(kelantan).for the last day everyone didnt miss to take photos together n all teachers gave permission for us to do watever we like.besides some teachers were busy n they didnt enter the for f5 block it was like we were having a partyy.we took a lot of photos.even 2 guys in my class even wonder of themselves.they were like'kt skool kmi x cmni pon.hahha'everyone likes a superstar.flashing was fun act.but when it comes for the tyme for them to go tears everywhere.after recess which means they had gone,everyone looks moody and sad.i think so or mybe they r tired.,idk
it was the best memory ever!!!!


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