Saturday, March 13, 2010

kamie budak sekola

yesterday i had english n chemistry class.8-10 am english is quite boring class.we juz did an exercise then discuss it.i was shocked bcause i never thought that the class has small group of my english teacher was very mad at those who are not come.i did not hve mood to do the exercise n i was vry sleepy.then after recess we went to the lab for chemistry but then teacher plak x dtg.grrr dah tu ganti ngn ckgu laen plak i n nina decided not to go to the class.wuahahha kmie smmgnya bdak mlas.then when tgh tggu shahirah skema nk msok klas we sempat g make a photoshoot.photoshoot ke??please take a look.

shahirah mcm mak cik


NurShahirah said...

muka ak time tuh tgh marah nina lmbt sngt.
dh la pns...
ak la skema tuh...

memey said...

tau x pa
mara sbb ak amik gmbr ngn ank ka?