me:mak nk bt rebonding sok bole x?
mak:nnti la lps xam buat la.bole effect otak la.da la nk xam.
me:x la.x effect pon la
mak:mak rsa rmbut skang ni cntk lg pa.nnti klau bt rsak blik.ari tu bt pn da rsak.
me:ok la.hummm
then i enter my room sadly.wuaaa but im not crying k.
today in the morning b4 my mom go to work,she awake me n said "kk mak ltak duit ni kt sni.nnti pegi kdai tu dlm pkoi 10 am cmtu"then my mom leave the money on the table.when i heard that i wake up and do some house chores.after that i take a bath b4 go to the saloon.i woke my bro to send me.wat a bad luck that i hve this moning the saloon is closed bcoz of chinese new yr.
sdey kot x bole bt rmbut ari ni.bru igt nk bt rmbut cm hayley williams.
then around 3 pm ive got phone call from mom.
mak:da bt rmbut?
me:x pon.kdai ttup la
mak:hri lain la bt k?
i feel touched deeply in my heart.i knw my mom doesnt really like it but at least she cares bout it.
trharu kot.ily mommy.
heee ksian.
but at least da sure dpt.
i'm happy fer u (:
owh thanx
terhari ak..
x la
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