*my best buddy
*love 2 sing
*hate liar
*curly hair
bad attitudes:loves 2 buli nena,loves 2 shout loudly,fierce,hate shool damn much,ska tgk blkg when she left the place:ntah apa yg dy tgk pon x tau la,hard 4 her 2 talk wit someone who makes her angry n last but not least loves crying
bad attitudes:loves 2 buli nena,loves 2 shout loudly,fierce,hate shool damn much,ska tgk blkg when she left the place:ntah apa yg dy tgk pon x tau la,hard 4 her 2 talk wit someone who makes her angry n last but not least loves crying
u're not good enough at lying.
u're not telling the truth right (:
im telling u the truth
im not lying!
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