the girl i rely the most;) |
assalamualaikum.brrr feels awkward to update my blog since the last tme.tehee.(gara2 neesasaori rsa nk updte ni).ive got a gud news!we might be able to fly to England to further my stdy.YES england,UK.kool ryte?dont be jealouss.dream comes true after all those challengers that i faced staying here.IF this is going to happen i'll be the most happiest girl in the world.btw i think its better for me to stay away from those people who has hurting me since i step into here.i was hurt when these people isolate us just because the rumours that they heard.serioussly did they ever think of us when they did that?if they trust me they wouldnt do that.i hate when people are making their assumptions without knowing the truth.for all this while i guess m right when i chose her to be my bff.i never think she would do such thing.she destroy my loyalty when she told someone that she shouldnt bout me.she frowns when i told her bout my crush.she hates to hear my problems.she is stingy.she acts like she's the one who raised me.she's using me whenever she wants to.is this wat u called a bff?i was shocked when she truthfully told me that she hated to hear my complains.my heart is bleeding at that moment right away she spites those hateful words.i stuttered bcoz my heart was crying.i promised to myself that i'll never tell her my life,my problems,nothing bout me.when its tme for us to divide the task to do some props things,she instructed us to follow her.when i see her true colors and i fell like i cant stand her anymore i tried to avoid her cause m afraid one day i will explode and tell everyone her shit attitude.i thought everything is gonna be alright when i keep silence but when i heard she tells evrybody she has NO IDEA y we mad,i knw right away wat she is trying to do.try to gain people's attention to symphatize wit u.pity u biatch.i guess no one wants to be on ur side.we keep to fuck our mouth shut in order to keep our madness towards u.we tried our best to let it be.serioussly i feel like i was lied by these people by their nice looking fce.it was hurt when u see ur own friends turning their heads whenever u talk to them and they just cant hide their awkward faces.i dont blame them but at least cant they ask us wat happened or dont interfere.i guess they dont undestand after all.we tried our best to hide this shit things.i was thinking let it pass by time cause i dont want to settle it.i will leave her the way i found her for the first tme i met her.i might be cruel but i hate to lie to myself.if i cant accept her anymore wat's the point i keep her?m happy the way i am now.i will try to delete those memories because it feels like someone stabs me
this is wat i feel from the bottom of my heart.i dont need to explain anything to anyone.they dont hve any right to judge me.sorry if anyone terasa.really its not my intention.
they are in my shoes |