ow yeah!todayy i g queensbay wit my family.juz wanna buy some stuff for school.but before that we go to hospital to visit my dad relatives.im kinda shocked ya la she cant even move r talk.my mum ckp dy kna strok.but an old lady nxt to her lg ksian.she has cancer n looks dying.her children read yassin for her.then i need to leave that room to give chance for other visitors.u knw la that room is so small.i go to rest room but nothings there juz a small tv.so i juz watch it en suddenly i hear an old man voice.when i look back the old man is walking to me.hes asking me hws my school,result en give me some advices to be a good student.after half an hour talking then my parents come, i wanna thank him but i dont knw wat is his nme oh my gosh! i forgot to ask his nme.grrrr
about an hour in car here we go queensbay.bnyk sgt YES kt sni so price pon msti la cheaper kn??then bla we jln2 theres an indian girl give me a free donut for jcko new opening.two thumbs up for the donut.after shopping we go to padang kota to eat some seafood.bila we juz sit down 5 people promote their food.sakit kepala coz x tau nk pilih yg mn.everyone busy promote their food.so i juz order kerang bakar en eat all of them.muahahha im a monster.then lpas g mkn i igt nk ajk my dad g jln2 but hes so tired.so we juz go home.kinda good trip for my year end walaupun only a day.